Oh No it isn’t! The Panto Comes Back to Mayfield

It’s been missing from Mayfield for two years and maybe it’s a real sign that the pandemic situation is easing because finally the panto came back to the village when Ashbourne Young Farmers put on their annual pantomime at the Memorial Hall on Saturday the 25th of February. (Oh no they didn’t – Oh yes they did!….. Be
quiet that’s enough shouting from the stalls).

Well over 100 people came to enjoy a real fun night out, shout ‘behind you’ and boo the villain. And the name of the pantomime – well that’s a bit of a problem. It was something to do with an ogre who looked remarkably like the character Shrek, except of course you can’t say that as it’s copyright, so ‘Something about an Ogre’ will have to do! (Ok it’s Shrek)